JCWI is coming to the end of its current three-year strategy, which started in 2019 and ends in 2022. We are proud of our achievements as an organisation, but we want to deepen our own understanding of what has made them possible. And we want to know how we need to improve, re-tool or evolve to deliver greater impact where it is needed while remaining true to our values and the communities we work with and for. We are therefore beginning a six-month strategic review through which Staff and Trustees hope to undertake a deep and wide-ranging evaluation of our organisation’s impact, capacity, and culture, as well as the context in which we operate and the needs that we aim to meet. We want this process to be rigorous, honest, and inclusive. We want to understand both how effective we are at meeting our objectives and whether our objectives are the right ones for this moment. We want to hold a mirror up to our own organisation, and we want to engage with a wide network of stakehold…