Windrush: the inevitable result of a hostile environment and no legal recourse

Satbir Singh and Open Democracy editor Charlotte Threipland looked at the toxic mix of factors that allowed the appalling treatment of the Windrush generation to go on for so long. “As a result of deliberate UK government policy, long-term British residents were ensnared by a Hostile Environment dragnet. This approach to immigration renders people who look…

'The tragedy of Windrush is that we may never know how many people have been wrongly removed'

Eight months on from the uncovering of the Windrush scandal, our Chief Executive Satbir Singh wrote for the Metro newspaper on the radical change that is needed to ensure justice not just for the Windrush generation, but all those at risk because of the government’s policy of “blaming the foreign-born for everything.” Read the story…

Family Friendly? The impact of Family Migration rules on children

Together with the Children’s Commissioner, JCWI prepared this report into the devastating impact family migration rules have on children. It found that upwards of 15,000 children were growing up in “Skype families,” separated from one of their parents because of the Minimum Income Requirement. The report details the psychological, physical and educational impact these rules…

Justine Fisher

Justine (a barrister at Lamb Building) specialises in Immigration, Human Rights and public law. Her wide-ranging practice covers applications, appeals, and written advice in the following areas: Trafficking Asylum  Deportation  Domestic human rights  International human rights Entry Clearance (family, student, visitor, working holidaymakers etc)  Judicial Review Business immigration Justine is also a senior lecturer at…