Home Office application fees are extremely expensive. If you are applying for a visa to come to the UK to join a partner or family member, you will usually have to pay at least £1538, plus extra costs like the Immigration Health Surcharge. People applying for a visa usually end up paying over £3000 just to make an application.
This is a huge amount of money to have to save in order to apply to live with your loved ones, and for many people means that their family remains out of reach.
For people who cannot afford the application fee, there is something called a fee waiver. If you can prove that you cannot afford the application fee, the Home Office will let you apply without paying the application fee.
The Home Office recently changed its rules to for people applying for their first visa to come to the UK to join a partner or family member, to get a fee waiver. This was after JCWI challenged the Home Office in court, and its previous policy was found to be unlawful.