I joined JCWI in April 2019, to help reach and engage more people who believe in migrants’ rights and racial justice. My job is to make sure that anyone who follows and supports us knows how much we value you, and that you are informed, motivated and able to take action towards ending the Hostile Environment – whether that’s by writing to your MP, joining a protest or making a donation. If you have questions or suggestions you can reach me at support@jcwi.org.uk.
Before joining JCWI I completed the On Purpose social sector development programme. Prior to that, I worked in fundraising, for a range of national and international charities, including Amnesty International UK, Sue Ryder, and Breast Cancer Now.
I was a trustee of the incredible organisation Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) from 2014 to 2017, where I supported the development of a new public fundraising programme.