We are calling on creatives to work with us on our new campaign – the new deal on migration (working title) – and help bring these big, radical ideas to life.
As a new normal begins to take shape from the chaos of the coronavirus pandemic, we are launching a radical new campaign that centres the voices of undocumented migrants, and calls for all our lives and work to be equally valued and protected, no matter what papers we hold.
Our major new campaign (working name: “a new deal on migration”) will call for a radical re-think of the way that the lives, and the work, of undocumented migrants is portrayed and valued. Detailed policy asks will sit alongside a communications campaign, designed to mobilise those who are already passionate about migrants’ rights and start new conversations with some of those who are not.
We are demanding radical change. We need your help to share the ideas within this campaign, inspire people in our belief that a fairer future is possibl…