People move. Down the road. Across town. To the city or to the country. And yes, sometimes, across borders too. Yet with each passing year, the challenges faced by people who migrate continue to grow; an increasingly hostile environment, a toxic conversation about migration and the continued erosion of access to justice.
It’s not easy starting a life someplace new. The challenge is even greater if you’re one of the estimated 60 million displaced people worldwide who didn’t even have a choice. And defending your right to even exist in the place you call home can be impossible if you do so alone.
So there has never been a more important time for organisations like JCWI to exist. To fight for the rights of people who migrate, and to make the case for a better, more inclusive, more hopeful conversation about migration.
We’re so proud to be one of the beneficiaries of this year’s Guardian & Observer appeal. We hope that the Appeal will help us work toward our goal of…