So Day Four’s action is to reach out to a local community group and ask them to pledge to support families divided by the unfair income threshold. This could be a Facebook group for your local area, a faith group, a local parents’ group – any group or organisation that brings people in your local area together.
If you want to give your message a local touch, why not mention the percentage of people in your constituency who don’t earn enough to be with a loved one from overseas. To find out, just click here and find your local area on the map. The colour of your local area corresponds to the percentage of people earning below £18,600, who are barred from having the right to a family life because of their income.
You could ask them to share one of the images linked to below, as well as the link to help people take action by writing to their local MP to ask for change:
You can ask them to share one of the quotes below, which tell a…