Paragraphs 9-17 of the Upper Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber Presidential Guidance Note No 1 2020: Arrangements during the COVID-19 pandemic, issued on 23 March and amended on 16 September 2020, declared unlawful

Paragraphs 9-17 of the Upper Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber Presidential Guidance Note No 1 2020: Arrangements during the COVID-19 pandemic, issued on 23 March and amended on 16 September 2020, declared unlawful On Friday 20 November 2020 Mr Justice Fordham handed down judgment in the case of R (The Joint Council for the Welfare…

Evidence to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Call for Evidence on Inequality in the UK

Download this submission Join the campaign for migrants’ rights About JCWI JCWI was founded in 1967 to ensure that the rule of law and human rights were respected in the immigration system. We are the UK’s leading immigration charity covering all aspects of immigration, asylum, and nationality law. Our clients comprise mainly of migrants from BAME backgrounds, and…