2022 has been a tough year for all of us affected by the UK’s cruel anti-migrant rules. But our movement is strong, united, and growing. Those of us who believe in solidarity, in care and welcome, must continue to work together, and we will win. Please support us as we get set for 2023 by making a donation today.
Yes, I want to help kick start 2023!
Thank you for every act of solidarity you have taken this year. Here’s a selection of what we did together:
We kicked off 2022 with a new report that shone a spotlight on the devastating impact of hostile environment policies on undocumented migrants during the pandemic. Nearly 200 people attended the launch event, hearing from Blessing about the impact of Hostile Environment policies on her family.
“[My children] are not entitled to the same advantages [like free school meals] as other children, all because their parents are undocumented. But they were born here – they are the future of this country.&rd…