We won! Home Office to stop using racist visa algorithm

We are delighted to announce that the Home Office has agreed to scrap its ‘visa streaming’ algorithm, in response to legal action we launched with tech-justice group Foxglove. From Friday, 7 August, Home Secretary Priti Patel will suspend the “visa streaming” algorithm “pending a redesign of the process,” which will consider “issues around unconscious bias…

The Points Based Immigration System explained

What is the Points Based System?   The Points Based System is a proposed set of immigration rules which lays out different types of work and study visas for people coming to the UK. There are already stringent rules, strict eligibility criteria and huge fees involved in our immigration system, but this is making headlines now because the Government plans to put the proposed system in to place when Free Movement comes to an end due to…

Evidence Submission to the Women and Equalities Committee Inquiry into COVID-19 and the impact on BAME communities

Download the evidence submission About JCWI JCWI was founded in 1967 to ensure that the rule of law and human rights were respected in the immigration system. We are the UK’s leading immigration charity covering all aspects of immigration, asylum, and nationality law. Our clients comprise mainly of migrants from BAME backgrounds, and we frequently…

Evidence Submission to the Public Accounts Committee Inquiry into Immigration Enforcement

Download the evidence session About JCWI JCWI was founded in 1967 to ensure that the rule of law and human rights were respected in the immigration system. We are the UK’s leading immigration charity covering all aspects of immigration, asylum, and nationality law. We operate a helpline for irregular migrants and have conducted extensive research…