The climate crisis is a defining challenge of our times. And we have already seen how it is having a disproportionate impact on communities of colour, in the Global South as well as here in the UK. As world leaders gathered in Glasgow in November 2021 for COP26, JCWI held an online panel led by campaigners working on the forefront of the struggles for racial, migrant and climate justice. We heard from campaigners from communities affected by climate injustice about how they are joining the dots between these interconnected struggles, and how together we can fight for a world where everyone has the right to move, and the right to stay. This event was a collaboration between the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) and Migrants Organising for Rights and Empowerment (MORE), a group of migrants and allies campaigning on racial and climate justice in Glasgow.
Panellists: Yvonne Blake is a co-founder of MORE, a group of migrants and members of the community campaigning f…